
Daily Agenda and Homework

Page history last edited by Susana Huerta 10 years, 2 months ago

Day 9: Wednesday, November 26, 2014



  1. Return Essay 1
  2. Review Essay Rubric Narrative
  3. Complete Reflection on Essay 1: download here



- Complete Reflection on Essay 1

- Take a picture(s) of your Personal Timeline


Day 8: Wednesday, November 12, 2014



  1. Reflection on Research and Teaching Process- KWL + Reflection
  2. Writing Project: Personal Timeline: Education Journey 



- Finish Reflection: Personal Timeline: Education Journey


Day 7: Wednesday, November 5, 2014



  1. Socratic Seminar using vocabulary development strategy: personal dictionary
  2. Introduction to Research- KWL + Reading Project



- Complete KWL + Reading Project


Day 6: Wednesday, October 29, 2014



  1. Peer Response Session 1
  2. Peer Response Reflection



- Review Peers' Notes and Revise: Reflection Journal


Day 5: Wednesday, October 22, 2014



  1. The Writing Process: Lecture
  2. Drafting
  3. Paragraph development workshop



- Finish drafting essay


Day 4: Wednesday, October 15, 2014



  1. Review syllabus expectations
  2. Reflection and discussion about the Interview
    1. Whose voices have been included? 
    2. What surprised you? 
    3. What did you learn about that particular person? 
  3. Reflection #3: download here
  4. Discussion
  5. Introduce Strategy: Vocabulary Self-Selection- Personal Dictionary




  1. Complete Personal Dictionary by Wednesday, October 22, 2014
    1. Download it here



Day 3: Wednesday, October 8, 2014



  1. Peer Response Workshop 1: download here
    1. Purpose
    2. Revise- to see again
  2. Peer Response Pairs
  3. Reflection 3




- Revise your interview and organize all assignments in your folders

- Organize your binder for English 1S/English 242A (by Wednesday)

  •      Suggested Sections:
    • English 1S: Class notes, Additional Readings, Reading and Writing Journals, Writing and Reading Project Prompts, Essay Prompts, Returned Assignments, Sentence Combining
    • English 242A (this can be a section in your English 1S binder if you want to have only one)
      • Syllabus
      • Reflections
      • Notes 
      • Additional Readings


Day 2: Wednesday, October 1, 2014



  1. Reflection 2: Focus on Questioning for Interview
    1. Download document here
  2. Example Interview 
    1. Student volunteer? 
    2. Question: What are the consequences of students feeling as though they cannot express themselves or their ideas in a classroom setting? 
      1. Focus on interviewee's experience/background as rationale for question
  3. Pair Interview Practice: 
    1. Use questions generated from Reflection 2 to interview your partner
    2. Return to Reflection 2 and write about what you learned from the process
  4. Class Discussion
  5. Share out- challenges in interview/possible solutions



- Print up Reflection 2 (bring by next Wednesday)

- Read over and annotate class syllabus (by Wednesday)

- Organize your binder for English 1S/English 242A (by Wednesday)

  •      Suggested Sections:
    • English 1S: Class notes, Additional Readings, Reading and Writing Journals, Writing and Reading Project Prompts, Essay Prompts, Returned Assignments, Sentence Combining
    • English 242A (this can be a section in your English 1S binder if you want to have only one)
      • Syllabus
      • Reflections
      • Notes 
      • Additional Readings

- Interview Plan- Create a plan: (before your interview)

  • Who will you interview?
  • How will you contact him/her?
  • When will you try to make this interview happen? 
  • How will you record it? 

- Generate 5 questions: You can use the questions from Reflection 2 (before your interview)

  • You might change these as you start your interview, but try to have 5 solid questions as the starting point.

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